
Privacy Policy

We believe the data our customer privacy is very important, & we try to provide you the best security. The privacy document contain types of information that we can collect & record in our website of Data Science Era. This policy applied the information we collect through our website only, it does not include about anything via offline.



By browsing our website, we assume that you agreed to use cookies in our website. Cookies are used to make it flexible for our user in our website. It includes some files that allow us to retrieve user data.



By browsing our website, we assume that agree with our privacy policy agree and terms.


Information Collection & Use

We do not share any user information collected through our website. We feel it’s our job to keep our user information secret. We store information that we received before our user enroll in our training or course such as name, country, email & contact number.

We use your information in various reason such as:

  • Maintain & Operate our website
  • Course enrollment plan
  • Training procedure maintain
  • Improve our website
  • Send you Emails
  • Prevent Fraud


Log Data

Regarding the login information, it is very important that our uses are responsible for keeping their password. We do not store, collect or save our user password, which is a sensitive information our user should be careful.



We respect your trust in sharing us your information. We try our best to make it absolutely secure for our customer. However, no one can give you guaranty about it, as securing website is very difficult. But we promise to fight always to make it as secure as we can.


Links To other sites

Our course service link may contain in other websites. If you click in a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. We have no control over third party sites or services.


Contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at



